A Spider-Man Podcast

Superior Spider-Talk #28: Superior Spider-Man #25

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Two fans and collectors (Dan Gvozden and Mark Ginocchio) discuss the Spider-Man comic universe in a show that looks to the past, present, and future of Spider-Man. In this episode they discuss Superior Spider-Man #25, your fan-emails, Spider-News, and conclude with a discussion of both the Amazing Spider-Man #300 and #375, featuring Venom!

0:00 Opening
1:45 Featured Review: Superior Spider-Man #25
36:18 Comments and Email
58:38 Spider-News
1:16:05 Classic Comics: Amazing Spider-Man #300 and #375
1:30:45 Goodbyes, An Announcement, and Contact Info

Articles mentioned in this show:
Superior Spider-Man #25 Review
Superior Spider-Man #25: The Beginning of the End
The Hunger Paul Jenkins Saves Venom
The Return of Peter Parker!
Bleeding Cool: What Future For Spider-Man?
IGN: Dan Slott Ushers in a New Spider-Man Era
CBR: “Amazing Spider-Man” Asks “Who Am I?” In Fialkov & Slott’s Infinite Comic
Amazing Spider-Man #300, My Favorite ASM of All-Time
Amazing Spider-Man #375 and How Do You Solve a Problem Like Venom?




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