A Spider-Man Podcast

Four Things the Movies Have Never Gotten Right About Spider-Man


That rejoicing you heard this week? That’s fans celebrating the fact that Sony Pictures has finally agreed to share its Spider-Man with Marvel Studios. Despite the creative success of Spider-Man 2, it has long been evident that Sony has little to no idea what to do with the character — there’s rumors it even considered developing an Aunt May film. The problems are not limited to trivial matters like whether his webshooters are organic or the spiders genetically engineered. Instead, it’s the fundamental way the character has been presented. Can the studios prove that together they understand the core concepts that have made the character Marvel Comics’ flagship creation for 50 years?

voiceMany of you might not know this, but I have been writing film reviews for The Village Voice for a little while now, but with the breaking news out of Marvel and Sony they asked me to write a special piece for them. So I present to you my list of four key things that the movies have never gotten right about Spider-Man!

For the full piece head on over to The Village Voice!




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